Building Rainbows

Thursday, February 24, 2011

School Days

Today Lizzy went to school and Mike said she cried when he dropped her off. The teachers say she takes a little bit after she cries to join in but once the activities start she happy and participating. Mike drops her off and I get to pick her up. When I picked her up today she was playing outside with the other kids and having fun, her teacher scooped her up and brought her to me. I'm glad she is having fun and comfortable with the teacher. She said bye bye teacher and we left.

Lizzy comes home in dirty clothes from playing outside most of the day and I find leaves in her lunch box (they eat lunch outside). For some reason it gives me joy to find those leaves in her lunch box.

After school I took Lizzy to Chick fil A. I asked Lizzy if she was hungry and she said yes, I also felt kind of guilty because she was at school most of the day and I had a meeting for work I had to be at in a couple hours. I only got to see Lizzy for a couple hours today and I don't feel good about that. I wonder how I will feel if I go back to work in the daytime and have to leave Lizzy. Lizzy had fun at Chick fil A...she loved the fries but didn't touch the chicken nuggets. Then, she played in the toddler play area for a while and of course she didn't want to leave.

1 comment:

  1. What kind of Chik-fil-A's do you have in Houston!? That is way nicer than ours! I know what you mean about feeling joy at finding leaves in her lunchbox. Gilbert was telling me a little bit about your new job opportunity. Very impressive, Nydia! I understand feeling torn, though. You will make whatever you decide work. You will always be the best mom for Lizzy.
