In my experience so far Lizzy has more toys than a 1 year old needs. Since even before she was born I have purchased all the latest baby toys that are out there and she's also received many gifts in her short life. Being native I thought the more flashing, talking (educational) toys the better but now I know too many toy choices are overwhelming to a child and do not allow the child to play with one toy very long or use their imaginations. Lizzy has actually outgrown most of her baby toys so I have slowly been giving these toys away. Now we mostly have simpler, more natural toys that can be used in different ways so that they are able to grow with Lizzy. In any case we still have way too much stuff compared to most of the world. For a better world we must live simply and be a conscious shopper. Find out if the item was made fairly meaning the worker and environment was treated fairly. So much excess is at the expense of abused workers and a polluted earth. I'll get off my little soapbox and close with this quote I love:
"Live more simply so that others may simply live" Gandhi.
Preach it, sister! I reserved the book at the library so I could read it.