Building Rainbows

Monday, August 23, 2010

It's only Natural...

Lizzy has a real strong urge to be outside she absolutely loves it but when we don't go outside in nature she can get a bit crabby. There has been a heat advisory in our area for several weeks now but Lizzy could care less. As her mother I know the dangers of heat but I also know the benefits to letting her play outside even for 20 min. So...I choose to lather her up in sunscreen and take lots of cold water with us while we play for 20 min but I can't wait until it starts to cool down some so we can have more fun outdoors.
Here she is:

Here is a video of Richard Louv author of Last Child in the Woods describing the benefits of nature in a child's upbringing and the risks of being nature deficit which include behavioral problems and obesity. I have seen firsthand that Lizzy is much more crabby when she hasn't been outdoors in a while but when we go outside even in the heat it's actually refreshing to both of us. Please watch this video to learn more (Click Here)

1 comment:

  1. I know, the heat never seemed to bother my kids like it did me. I completely wilt. Wishing for cooler days. I will have to reserve this book at the library as well.
