Building Rainbows

Monday, June 3, 2013

Montessori Birthday Celebration at School

This is a video of Lizzy's Birthday Celebration at school. The parents pick out a picture of each year of the child's life and write something about what that child accomplished that year and share in the celebration. If you are not familiar with Montessori Birthday Celebrations check this link out. We have been doing our own version of the Montessori Birthday celebration at home by writing Lizzy a birthday letter each year and lighting the candles on a birthday ring that is typically used in Waldorf birthday celebrations. Lizzy's birthday was on the last day of school and every time someone had a birthday at school Lizzy wondered when her birthday would come until finally on the last day of school it was Lizzy's birthday celebration. Lizzy picked out dinosaur cookies to share with her friends and she got to bring her favorite book for her teacher to read. Lizzy's favorite book is Today I feel Silly because it says "diarrhea" in it!  Lizzy really enjoyed her day!

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