Building Rainbows

Friday, November 19, 2010

Practical Life Activities at Home

It's really amazing how quickly Lizzy is learning right now, she imitates us all the time, repeats words, and the practical life activities she's learned are becoming very useful for everyone. Practical life exercises are highly valued in Montessori because it allows the child to be independent and learn useful skills needed in life while also building on fine motor skills and building the child's self confidence. I haven't taken any new pictures recently so I thought I would share all the things Lizzy has learned in her 18 months.
  • Helps with dressing herself. Also gets her shoes when it's time to go out.
  • Brushes her teeth and washes her hands, shampoos her hair, brushes her hair
  • Helps with laundry, puts clothes in dryer, straightens dried clothes
  • Helps get the trash taken out, also helps throw things away in the trash
  • Asks for snacks and drinks
  • Gets her own bib, get in her booster chair by herself
  • Helps wipe up and dust
  • Helps put things away to their correct place
  • Can drink from cup, and juice box
  • Working on using the potty
  • Turns on the radio when she wants music, turns on the lamps, turns on the fan, turns on the TV
  • Unplugs the bath when she is done for it to drain
  • Knows all her body parts
These are the things she's learned that I can think of off the top of my head. She's learned so much and she's such a little person. I'm very proud of my baby!

1 comment:

  1. She really is amazing. It is hard to believe how much they absorb and learn. I think it's cute how she straightens the dried clothes and shampoos and brushes her hair.
