Lizzy had never been sick until around 18 months when she got the cold. She got the cold after being outside in the cold for an extended period of time waiting on the Christmas train. That cold stayed with us through our Christmas visit in Indiana.
Lizzy's second cold happened after she started school. She either caught it at school or it was a result of the freezing temperatures we had that week.
Anyway, toddler and infants especially cannot take any medicines except for infant Tylenol but there are no approved medicines for infants and young toddlers. In any case, I try to avoid any medications for Lizzy because of the chemical contents. Instead, I choose natural remedies.
Some that I have tried with Lizzy are humidifier in her room at night. Steamy showers and baths. Spoonfuls of honey for throat and cough. Lizzy is too young for herbal teas so I heated apple juice with lemon and honey for her to drink. (this is actually really tasty). Taking her outside for fresh air. Saline drops to loosen mucus in the nose. Lots of liquids, daily vitamin and rest. I have also heard of using eucalyptus oil as a rub but haven't tried it. These are some simple natural remedies to help relieve some of the symptoms of a cold for a toddler.
I also enjoyed teaching her about being sick by watching the yo gabba gabba episode "doctor" in which Toodee has a cold and everyone help in caring for her. The baby doll ah choo also came at a great time and Lizzy got to help care got her sick doll and learn from it.
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